Monika, mamička Maxima (5 rokov)
S Maximom navštevujeme tento úžasný program dva roky. Za tento čas sme dosiahli veľké posuny čo sa týka hlavne
sústredenosti, jemnej a hrubej motoriky. Toto všetko a mnoho viacej dosiahol náš syn vďaka láskavej, trpezlivej a odbornej práci našich lektoriek. Ďakujeme Veronika a Hanka!
Montessori materské centrum Bratislava
What Does a Play Wisely® Lesson Look Like ?
Each Play Wisely lesson lasts 30 minutes and is divided into three parts. We start working with a special set of flash cards, then we do activities to improve child's fine and gross motor skills, and at the end of a lesson we work with the flash cards again. The structure of a lesson is always the same, but every week we focus on a different type of physical activities and work with different set of cards. Intensity and type of activities we adjusted to the child's age and abilities as well as their current mood :-)
We offer lessons in English or Slovak language individually, in pairs or in a group of three children. We recommend 1 - 2 lessons per week. In all Play Wisely® lessons the mom, dad or anyone close to the child is present to ensure we create a warm and safe environment.
Babies I
(4 - 8 months)
4 - 8 months
Babies I
Lessons with the youngest children are designed to develop early attention and recognition capabilities. The physical part focuses on sensorial experience, stimulating the stabilization and balance system, practicing strenght and visual-motor skills. In a playful and fun way we help children to get an early sensorial skills.
18 - 36 months
Toddlers II
The lessons are aimed to further improve attention, memory and cognitive abilities, efficient processing of information and the ability to solve problems. Your child will learn the alphabet, basic number sequence back and forth, colors, shapes and categorization skills. He/she will also have an opportunity to develop all the basic skills in the area of fine motor skills and sports.