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Monika, mamička Maxima (5 rokov)
S Maximom navštevujeme tento úžasný program dva roky. Za tento čas sme dosiahli veľké posuny čo sa týka hlavne
sústredenosti, jemnej a hrubej motoriky. Toto všetko a mnoho viacej dosiahol náš syn vďaka láskavej, trpezlivej a odbornej práci našich lektoriek. Ďakujeme Veronika a Hanka!
Montessori materské centrum Bratislava
Play Wisely Booking System Registration
We are very excited about your interest in the program!
To reserve the date of free lesson you need to register into our booking system.
Click the "Sign in" button at the top right of the schedule window.
In the open window, click "Register" at the bottom left.
Please fill in the required details and check "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click on the field " Create a free account ".
You will receive a confirmation email and a link to activate your account. Please also check the Spam folder for the confirmation email :-).
Clicking to activate your account prompts you to create a password.
Please click on the top right of your name and click on "Profile" in the expanded menu.
In the vertical menu on the left, click on "My Children".
Click "Add Child" and fill in your child's details.
In case of any problems with registration, you can always use the "Forgot your password?" If the activation is still not working, we recommend that you verify that the cookies are set correctly in your web browser. If you are unable to create an account, please contact support at
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